Frequently Asked Questions

We have multiple warehouses throughout the United States from where the order will be shipped once placed.

We use all major carriers, and local courier partners.

Delivery will be free with any order!

You will receive an email confirmation no later than 24 hours after your order has been placed.

Usually between 3-10 business days depending on the shipping method. If the product ships via UPS or Fedex, it usually arrives within 2-5 business days. If your order ships via LTL freight, it will take a few extra days depending on various factors. If your item is a pre-order or custom order it may take longer as well. We will contact you and let you know if that’s the case.

Yes, we do accept returns. We aspire to offer a quick and easy return process. Contact us by phone (804) 991-8549 or email and we would be glad to help you.

Yes! Please contact us by phone to place your order. (804) 991-8549 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm EST.

Yes! Feel free to call (804) 991-8549 to place your order. Our hours are Mon-Fri 9:00am - 6:00pm EST

No. Unfortunately, scammers will oftentimes use fake checks to place large orders that cause retailers such as ourselves to lose out on thousands of dollars. However, you can place an order with a credit or debit card.

An ebike, short for electric bike, is a bicycle that is equipped with an electric motor to assist with propulsion. It combines the benefits of a traditional bicycle with the convenience of an electric motor, providing a smooth and effortless riding experience.

Before purchasing an ebike, there are a few important factors to consider.
Battery Range: The battery range determines how far you can ride on a single charge. Consider your daily commuting distance and choose an ebike with a battery range that meets your needs.
Motor Power: The motor power determines the level of assistance provided by the electric motor. If you frequently encounter steep hills or carry heavy loads, opt for a higher motor power.
Frame and Design: Choose an ebike with a frame and design that suits your preferences and riding style. Consider factors such as comfort, stability, and ease of mounting and dismounting.
Braking System: A reliable braking system is crucial for your safety. Look for an ebike with high-quality brakes, such as disc brakes, that provide efficient stopping power.
Price: Set a budget for your ebike purchase and compare different models within your price range. Remember to consider the long-term cost savings of owning an ebike.

Absolutely! We offer financing on almost all our items via Shop Pay.

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